We need a NATIVE English speaker , male, who has a British English accent, 20-45 years old You will play a male role for a game video ad. It will be a one day shooting in Montpellier We will cover the transportation fee to Montpellier by train. Our budget is Cachet 300 Brut Estimated date: 1 day between June 12 - 21 Shooting location: Montpellier Usage rights will be 36 months The video will be used on the internet Story: You will be acting as a influencer who's introducing a cool mobile RPG game. You should have: - A suit - Or a crisp white shirt and chinos (minimum) - Should own at least one but preferable 3 high-end, stylish, elegant looks so the client can choose from Please send a self-tape in English and present yourself with British accent. You can also send us your previous work where you speak English. Please only give your first name in the self-tape, and also your nationality, where you traveled to in English speaking countries, a quick description of yourself and your passion.
Homme 20 - 45 ans
June 12-21
Cachet 300euros Brut
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